Early Music Development

Building Foundations in Music and Learning

Foster creative self expression and enable the natural development of self esteem through Carolina’s uniquely designed music program.

Early Musical Development Program

Early Music Development

Carolina’s expertly designed music programs are perfect for childcare centers aiming to enrich their offerings for young children.

Childcare Centres | Preschool & Junior Kinder | School Year and Summer Schedule

Through a delightful series of songs, rhymes, and games, Carolina guides children and their caregivers in activities that captivate and stimulate young minds. Toddlers and preschoolers will revel in exploring their voices through simple melodies that serve as a foundation for vocal and creative development.

Chants and rhymes are strategically used to boost language acquisition skills, expand vocabulary, and foster an early understanding of phonics and rhythm, promoting expressive speech. Each program also introduces children to Classical Music, drawing on Carolina’s extensive background in orchestral studies and performances. These fun and engaging lessons provide opportunities for dramatic play as children sing along to timeless melodies by Beethoven, Mozart, Bizet, Tchaikovsky and Strauss, to name a few.

Carolina’s programs not only entertain but also enhance cognitive development, nurture creativity, and instill a lifelong love of music.

Carolina's Melodies: Inspiring Early Music Development

What's Included

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Enhance your child care center’s curriculum with Carolina’s Early Music Development Program. Elevate your center’s offerings and enrich children’s early learning experiences today!